miraDry is the only non invasive permanent solution for underarm sweating

MiraDry Procedure Overview at Perth Sweat Clinic

miraDry Treatment is:

  • Non-Surgical and Non-Invasive- completed in 90 mins in an office setting
  • Permanent- destroys Sweat and Odour glands as well as hair follicles that don’t grow back.
  • TGA approved (Therapeutic Goods Administration)
  • Toxin free

For the Perfect Armpit ….. miraDry

  • No Odour
  • No Hair
  • No SWEAT!!

How many treatments do I need?

85% of patients need one treatment


Is the treatment painful?

Pain is minimal as local anaesthetic is administered. The treatment is well tolerated.

After the procedure there maybe some swelling and redness of the skin with an altered sensation that gradually resolves.

How does miraDry work?

Client Satisfaction at Perth Sweat Clinic for Sweat Treatments

miraDry is the only FDA approved (2011) treatment for axillary hyperhidrosis (excessive underarm sweating), and for the control of axillary hair growth in the USA.

It was approved in Australia by the TGA in June 2014.

Perth Sweat Clinic is a fully accredited MIRADRY practice.

Miradry sweat treatment is complete in about one hour and you will see results in as little as one treatment.

However, as with any medical treatment, your physician will determine the best protocol for your desired results.

MiraDry Treatment Machine for Underarm Sweating at Perth Sweat Clinic

How miraDry works?

miraDry destroys sweat (eccrine) glands and odour(apocrine) glands using microwave energy directed just below the skin. These glands do not regenerate, producing a permanent effect. An instant and dramatic reduction in sweating is noticed. The majority of patients (85%) require one treatment at level 5. Occasionally, patients with severe hyperhidrosis may require a second treatment to achieve optimal sweat and odour reduction.

miraDry treatment is performed at our Mount Hospital suite with a short recovery time. Patients come in on the day of the procedure where a fully Accredited miraDry practitioner will inject local anaesthetic into the underarms. Once the treatment is delivered, ice packs are applied to minimise inflammation. Temporary swelling, redness and tenderness can be present for up to two weeks. Hair growth is also reduced permanently.

How much will it cost?

Cost is $2900 for the complete treatment.

All initial consults will be charged at $100 with a valid referral from your GP.

In 15% of patients, a second treatment maybe required at $2400.

* Patient results and experience may vary. The miraDry System is TGA-listed or FDA-cleared for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis and the permanent removal of underarm hair. *In the European Union (EU), the miraDry System is intended for use by health care professionals for treatment of primary axillary hyperhidrosis (excessive underarm sweat) in adults. miraDry® and No Sweat No Stress™ are trademarks of miraDry, Inc.